Training Resources Available - Youthworkers


We are excited to present a comprehensive set of training resources designed specifically for youth workers to support the civic, social, and economic integration of marginalised members of our communities.

Our resources focus on:

  • Empowering Youth Workers to gain a deeper understanding of civics and its significance in fostering inclusive societies.
  • Civic Engagement and how to promote justice and active participation in community life.
  • Overcoming Barriers through exploring the challenges migrants face on their journey toward social integration.
  • Cultural Insights and understanding behaviour through Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions for more effective interaction and support.
  • Promoting Economic Integration of migrants by supporting their job search and helping them create Europass CVs.
  • Using Innovative Tools such as WebQuests in the learning environment to promote non-formal learning. 

For more information, contact us at

The resources are available in English and will be shortly available in Ukrainian and Bulgarian. 

These resources were developed as part of The Connect Project, funded by Léargas and the Erasmus+ programme.

Resources in Ukrainian 

модуль 3
модуль 4 
модуль 5
модуль 6

Resources in Bulgarian

модул 1
модул 2 
модул 3